Nikola Tesla and his fascinating discoveries about alien life

Nikola Tesla and his fascinating discoveries about alien life


Alien life in our times, is still considered taboo. When it comes to aliens, most either out of ignorance or fear, believes that mankind is independent and has nothing to do with life in the universe.

This is a wrong attitude given that there are many signals that contradict it. Moreover, in ancient times, many civilizations that went there on Earth were aware of the presence of aliens among us. The days passed, humans evolved and thus found themselves, or not, in a deep darkness from which apparently will not come out too soon.

The subject of extraterrestrial civilizations present among us was approached by one of the most famous scientists, Nikola Tesla. Through the experiments he conducted, Tesla came to certain conclusions, scary for most of us.

Aliens exist, and more than that, they are involved directly in human development. This involvement is achieved by using the brain, which according to Tesla’s discoveries is nothing but a receiver that can capture universal information.

“My brain is just a receiver. In the universe there is a basis from which you can obtain knowledge, power and inspiration. I didn’t entered the secrets of this nucleus, but I know that it exists”. WroteTesla after an experiment.

While doing experiments on his electric equipment,Tesla stated:
“I can never forget the first sensations I experienced when I realized what are, eventually, incalculable consequences for mankind. I felt like I was present at the birth of a new knowledge or disclosure of a great truth.

My first observation horrified me positively because something mysterious was present in them, not to say supernatural, and I was alone in my laboratory at night, but at that time I had no idea that these disorders were intelligent controlled signals”.

In this way, Tesla was aware that an unseen force possesses the human mind regardless of depiction is located.

“The changes I observed were held regularly and I had such a clear suggestion that their order and number weren’t related to any known cause by me. I was familiar, of course, with electrical disturbances that were caused by the sun, the Aurora Borealis and earth currents and I was equally certain that these changes were not caused by any of these cases”. “The nature of my experiments excludes the possibility that these changes are produced by the atmospheric disturbances, as some people rushed rashly to affirm. This was sometime after when I flashed the thought that disorders that I have observed could be caused by an intelligent control.

“Although I could not find out until then what was their meaning, it was imposible for me to consider them as purely accidental. Growing feeling that I have is that I was the first man to hear the greetings sent from one planet to another. A purpose is behind these electrical signals”.