Make your office a more positive place to work

Make your office a more positive place to work


Make your office a more positive place to work

Your employees spend a lot of their time in the office, and the challenges of work can make it a stressful place to be sometimes. Stressed employees rarely do their best work, so how can you help make your office a happier place to be? Happy employees are more productive, and more loyal to your company. They communicate better with each other and you, and pull together better as a team.

There are any number of ways you can make your office a happier and more positive place to work, but here are a few suggestions to get you started.

Be approachable as a manager

Make sure your employees know that they can communicate with you, and that you will be responsive to their requests and suggestions. Be sympathetic – some customers and clients can be difficult to deal with, so make sure your team don’t feel like they’re fighting battles on two fronts. Acknowledge what they do, and reward positive results.

Make the office more comfortable

Make sure everyone is sitting on decent chairs – an employee with back pain is hardly going to be performing at their best. Ask your team what they need, and be aware that not all employees will need the same things. Consider the lighting in the office. Natural sunlight isn’t an option for everyone, but something as simple as the colour of the bulbs can make a big difference in employee happiness and productivity.

Find out what your employees want

Ask your team what they would like to see in their working environment. Set aside a budget and let them buy the things they want – it might be as simple as a few pictures or pot plants, or even an exercise ball. Allow your team to show their individuality and make the office a more fun place to be.

Let your employees manage their own time

They know what they need to do and when it should be done by, so let them manage their time themselves. Give them the freedom to take breaks whenever they need to – if they know they can do this, they are less likely to need them.

Listening to your employees and letting them have input into the office environment is a great way to make them feel more valued, and help them to do the best they can for your company. Here are eight other ways you can boost sales productivity in your office.

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